The “Remediation Station” is a DIY decomposition laboratory, designed to remediate the mind and body of the toxic systems and chemicals we encounter in a hydrocarbon based consumerist society.
The river of media we consume daily through advertisements is equally toxic, as the chemicals we produce and procure for production. Calculated to create demand at any coast our Media is where the potential for unimaginable waste and pollution begin.
The station functions much like a post apocalyptic assembly line, wherein toxic hydrocarbons go in, and healthy water and dirt come out. The model opposite of how our factories operate today. Physical human labor is required to power the “Remediation Station”, and through this exertion the rider is able to better understand the strain we inflict upon the environments we pollute by reversing this pollution.
Re-me-di-a-tion= the action of remedying something, in particular of reversing or stopping environmental damage.
The “Remediation Station” is a Collaborative perforative sculpture with Artist Chris Copeland. The piece was exhibited in the spring of 2018 at the Miller Institute for Contemporary Art .